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Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week
Breastfeeding is the gold standard of infant nutrition, and it helps build a special bond between the baby and the mo...
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Coronavirus (COVID 19) Information
Get the latest updates and information from UPMC Pinnacle.
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Lexi Abeln, RN, Lactation Consultant at PinnacleHealth- Good Day PA!
Thank you to all of our front line staff for your dedication and sacrifice to care for our patients. At UPMC Pinnacle, our heroes do not wear capes!
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The Benefits of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding has many benefits beyond all the nutrition your baby needs to grow and be healthy. Despite what some pe...
Blog Post
Get Your Health care Back on Schedule
Taking care of your health is essential. That’s why UPMC Pinnacle is now scheduling more in-person appointments and procedures at our facilities, all in line with guidelines from the Pa. Department of Health.
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